50th Class Reunion Highlights - How Times Have Changed!

1966: Long Hair.
2016: Longing for hair.

1966: Keg.
2016: EKG.

1966: Acid Rock.
2016: Acid Reflux.

1966: Moving to California because it's cool.
2016: Moving to California because it's warm.

1966: Growing pot.
2016: Growing potbelly.

1966: Seeds and stems.
2016: Roughage.

1966: Popping pills, smoking joints.
2016: Taking pills for popping joints.

1966: Killer weed.
2016: Weed killer.

1966: Hoping for a BMW.
2016: Hoping for a BM.

1966: Getting out to a new, hip joint.
2016: Getting a new hip joint.

1966: Rolling Stones.
2016: Kidney stones.

1966: Fourth Street bridge.
2016: Dental bridge.

1966: Screw the system!
2016: Upgrade the system.

1966: "Whatever".
2016: Depends.

1966: Take acid.
2016: Take antacid.

1966: Passing the driver's test.
2016: Passing the vision test.

1966: Peace sign.
2016: Mercedes logo.

Old age is golden I've often heard it said,
But sometines I wonder as I crawl in my bed.
With my ears in my drawer, my teeth in a cup
And my eyes on a shelf until I wake up.
And when sleep dims my eyes I think to myself,
Is there anything else I should put on that shelf?
The reason I know my youth has been spent,
Is my get-up-and-go has got-up-and-went!
But I really don't mind as I think with a grin,
of all the fun places my get-up has been!

Yeah I've got O.C.D.

I told you that I do not have Alzheimer's. I have "Some-timers"
sometimes I remember and sometimes I don't!

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