We will be posting as many old class photos and school related photos that we can find. If you have any pictures to contribute, please convert them to a digital picture format and email them to webmaster@miffclass1966.org.
We will be posting as many old class photos and school related photos that we can find. If you have any pictures to contribute, please convert them to a digital picture format and email them to webmaster@miffclass1966.org.
Here are a few class pictures from years ago. Can you help identify the classmates in the picture?
If you think you know who any of these "cute kids", send an email to
webmaster@miffclass1966.org, identifying the picture and the classmate. For example:
April 1956 photo. Cliff Valentine, third row, fifth from left.
We will be posting the results from time to time, so check back often.
Thanks to Tina (Dorman) Zimmerman, Frank Showers, Cliff Valentine, Carol Badger Stover, Marcie Yoder Kerstetter, Terry Shively, Lena Thomas Susan, Janet Wolfe Sulzer, and Alexis Bardo Matt, here is what we have so far!